Conference Papers & Invited Lectures
- "The Masturbatory Hypothesis of the Aetiology of 'Sexual
Inversion'." Lesbian and Gay Studies Conference, Yale University
(October 1988).
- "The Nineteenth-Century Medical Politics of Self-Defilement and
Seminal Economy." Nationalisms and Sexualities Conference, Center for
Cultural and Literary Studies, Harvard University (June 1989).
- "The
Nineteenth-Century Medical Politics of Self-Defilement and Seminal
Economy." Gay and Lesbian Studies Conference, Brown University
(September 1989).
- "Erotic Osphresiology, or the Nasal Origins of ‘Perverse’
Sexuality." Lesbian and Gay Studies Conference, Yale University
(October 1989).
- "Erotic Osphresiology, or the Nasal Origins of ‘Perverse’
Sexuality." The New School for Social Research (April 1990).
- "The Place of ‘Non’fictions in Nineteenth-Century Biomedicine."
History of Science Department, Harvard University (November 1989).
- "The Nasal Origins of ‘Perverse’ Sexuality." Women and Gender
Studies, Bates College (February 1990).
- "Le parfum pervers de la dégénéréscence." Colloquium in
Nineteenth-Century French Studies, University of Oklahoma (October,
- "Erotic Osphresiology, or Nasal Perversity and Sexual Atavism."
Anthropology Department, Harvard University (October 1990).
- "Composing a Language Against Nature: Degenerate Nerves and
Metonymic Sexualities." History of Psychology Conference, University of
New Hampshire (November 1990).
- "The Delirious Supplement, or Erotomania and Social Pathology."
Science in Society Program, Wesleyan University (February 1991).
- "Que(e)rying Medicine: Academics and Activists Examine Aids,
Medicine, and Sexuality." Queering/Querying the Academy Conference,
University of California, Santa Cruz (February 1991).
- "Save Sex!" Panel organizer and discussant. BGALD Week, Harvard
College (April 1991).
- "Method and Madness, or, What is to be done with/in history?"
Department of the History of Science, Harvard University (October 1991).
- "Graveyards, Restaurants and the Assemblée: Corrupt Bodies and
Perverse Politics, Paris 1849." Colloquium in Nineteenth-Century French
Studies, University of New Orleans (October 1991).
- "Graveyards,
Restaurants and the Assemblée: Corrupt Bodies and Perverse Politics,
Paris 1849." Wesleyan University (December 1991).
- "Phantastical Pollutions: The Public Threat of Private Vice in
France, 1760-1880." Lesbian and Gay Studies Conference, Rutgers &
Princeton Universities (November 1991).
- "Imagining Masturbation: Narcissism, Scopophilia and the
Spectacle of Solitary Pleasure." Bates College (March 1992).
- "CUM : Sexual Liberalism and Compulsory Heterosexuality."
Twentieth-Century French Studies Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania
(March 1992).
- "Vive l’indifférence! The French Erasure of Sexual Politics."
Sager Gay and Lesbian Studies Conference, Swarthmore College (March
- "Marketing Masturbation: Narcissism, Scopophilia and the
Spectacle of Solitary Pleasure." BGALD Week, Harvard College (April
- "Vicious Sodomites, Hysterical Mollies and Talented Inverts."
Columbia University, Reid Hall, Paris, France (February 1993).
- "Histories Invert His Stories." Department of the History of
Science, Harvard University (March 1993).
- "Inversion’s Histories | History’s Inversions: Novelizing
Fin-de-Siècle Homosexuality." Joint Atlantic Seminar in the History of
Biology and Medicine, University of Toronto (March 1993).
- "Inversion’s
Histories | History’s Inversions: Novelizing Fin-de-Siècle
Homosexuality."History of Science Society Conference, New Orleans
(October 1994).
- "Inversion’s Histories | History’s Inversions: Novelizing
Fin-de-Siècle Homosexuality." Yale University (February 1996).
- "Inversion’s
Histories | History’s Inversions: Novelizing Fin-de-Siècle
Homosexuality."Institute for the Liberal Arts, Emory University
(February 1996).
- "The Nineteenth-Century Medicalization of Sexuality." Women and
Gender Studies, Bates College (April 1993).
- "Genital Anomalies of the Insane and their Association with
Degeneration and Criminality, or CRIMINAL PENISES." Harvard M.D.-Ph.D.
Retreat, Wood's Hole Marine Biological Laboratory (October 1993).
- "Trans [Homo] Sexuality? Double Inversion, Psychiatric Confusion
and Hetero-Hegemony." Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Studies Conference,
University of Iowa (November 1994).
- "Trans
[Homo] Sexuality? Double Inversion, Psychiatric Confusion and
Hetero-Hegemony." "Gay/Lesbian/Queer: Knowledges and Identities for the
90s" Conference, University of California, San Diego (January 1995).
- "InQueerying the Future of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Studies"
plenary session panelist. Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Studies
Conference, University of Iowa (November 1994).
- "Pointy Penises, Fashion Crimes, and Hysterical Mollies: The
Pederasts’ Inversions." Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, City
University of New York (November 1994).
- "Pointy
Penises, Fashion Crimes, and Hysterical Mollies: The Pederasts’
Inversions." American Historical Association Conference, Chicago
(January 1995).
- "Rationalizing Monstrous Bodies: The Monarchical Science of Louis
XIV." Department of History, Loyola University, Chicago (February 1995).
- "Homosexual Bio-Histories: Genetic Nostalgias and the Quest for
Paternity." Center for the Study of Women, University of California,
Los Angeles (November 1995).
- "The Constructed Penis—Surgical Sexuality or Gender Accessory?"
Center for Cultural Studies of Science Technology and Medicine,
University of California, Los Angeles (December 1995).
- "The Constructed Penis—Surgical Sexuality or Gender Accessory?"
Science, Technology, and Society Program, M.I.T. (March 1996).
- "The Constructed
Penis—Surgical Sexuality or Gender Accessory?" Lesbian, Bisexual, and
Gay Pride Month, Brown University (March 1996).
- "The
Constructed Penis—Surgical Sexuality or Gender Accessory?"
Gendered/Sexed Bodies Colloquium, University of California Humanites
Research Institute (April 1996).
- Panelist, "Teaching Humanities in Medical School." West Coast
Network Meeting for Faculty in the History of Health Sciences,
Univesity of California, San Francisco (February 1996).
- "Queer Genetic Pride." Gay Academic Union, Philadelphia (October
- "Queer Genetic Pride."Nature Versus Nurture: The Changing
Implications of the Biological Approach to Homosexuality Symposium,
Goethe House, N.Y.C. (May 20, 1997).
- "Why's a Good She-Male So Hard to Find? The Blossoming of
Transsensuality." History and Sociology of Science Workshop, University
of Pennsylvania (January 1997).
- "Why's a Good She-Male So Hard to
Find? The Blossoming of Transsensuality." Sex and Scholarship
Symposium, University of Arizona (April 13, 1997).
- "Why's a
Good She-Male So Hard to Find? The Blossoming of Transsensuality."
History and Philosophy of Science and Technology Workshop. University
of Chicago (May 1997).
- "Why's
a Good She-Male So Hard to Find? The Blossoming of Transsensuality."
Southern California Lambda Medical Association and the Lesbian and Gay
Psychotherapy Association, Los Angeles (September 19, 1999).
- "Scientists Do It on a Lab Bench." Queering the Sciences
Symposium, Society for Lesbian and Gay Philosophy, American
Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, Berkeley (March 1997).
- "Case report and historical analysis of a person who is changing
from female to gay male." Southern California Psychiatric Society, Los
Angeles (January 25, 1998).
- "The Experience of Coming Out In Psychiatry." Workshop panelist.
American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Toronto (June 3, 1998).
- "Phallic Performance: Phalloplasty and the Techniques of Sex."
BRANDON Project panel, Guggenheim Museum, New York (September 18, 1998).
- "Phallic
Performance: Phalloplasty and the Techniques of Sex." University of
California Humanities Research Institute (November 11, 1998).
- "Phallic
Performance: Phalloplasty and the Techniques of Sex." Yale University,
Fund for Lesbian and Gay Studies (March 23, 1999).
- "Phallic Performance: Phalloplasty and the Techniques of Sex."
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore (October 22, 1999).
- "Phallic Performance: Phalloplasty and the Techniques of Sex."
University of California, San Francisco (August 18, 2000).
- "Sex In the Body." Controversies in Feminist Theory series:
Feminist Theory Meets Queer Theory. Center for the Study of Women, UCLA
(January 20, 1999).
- "Trangenderism," Yale University, History of Medicine Program
(March 23, 1999).
- "The Medical Construction of Sexual Inversion in
Nineteenth-Century France." Romano Lecture, State University Of New
York, Binghamton (March 26, 1999).
- "Gender Identity Disorder: Psychiatric Diagnosis, Medical
Diagnosis, No Diagnosis?" Forward Motion: Celebrating Cultures,
Advocacy and Female-to-Male Lives. Burbank, CA (October 9, 1999).
- "Qué Joto Bonita! Transgender Negotiations of Sex and Ethnicity."
Cultural Psychiatry Seminar, UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute (November
10, 1999).
- "Mental Health Issues in Transgender Patients." Grand Rounds,
Edelman Mental Health Center, Los Angeles (December 2, 1999).
- "Transgenderism:
Historical, Cultural, and Mental Health Issues." University of Southern
California, Couseling Center (January 25, 2000).
- "Psychotherapy with Transgendered Clients." In-service training,
Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center (February 5, 2000).
- "Gender Identity Disorder in Adolescence." Department of Family
Medicine, UCLA (March 27, 2000).
- "Psychotherapy with a Transgendered Patient." American
Psychoanalytic Association Annual Meeting. Chicago (May 13, 2000).
- "Teaching the Psychiatric History of Homosexuality."
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Residents: Challenges in
Training panel. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting.
Chicago (May 16, 2000).
- "Teaching Gay and Lesbian Issues in Psychiatry." Department of
Psychiatry Grand Rounds, San Francisco General Hospital (August 17,
- "Transgender
Negotiations of Sex and Ethnicity." Society for the Study of Psychiatry
and Culture Conference. Paris (October 19, 2000).
- "Historicité des théories, variations des pratiques cliniques."
Journée/Rencontre avec l’auteur. Ecole Lacanienne de Psychoanalyse,
Paris (October 21, 2000).
- "Lacan
pute travestie: Commentaire sur une entrevue de Lacan avec un patient
transsexuel." Journée/Rencontre avec l’auteur. Ecole Lacanienne de
Psychoanalyse, Paris (October 21, 2000).
- "Negotiating Identity in the Corporate World." Anderson School of
Business, UCLA (Jan. 30, 2001).
- "Sex Work/Gender Work: Building
Trans-Gender Bridges." Sex, Race and Globalization Seminiar Series.
Lesbian, Bisexual, and Gay Studies. Unversity of Arizona, Tucson (Feb.
23, 2001).
- "Some
Cultural Consequences of the Anatomical Distinction Between the
Genders." Department of Anthropology, University of California,
Berkeley (April 9, 2001).
- "From Hermaphroditism to
Intersexuality: The History and Politics of Gender Ambiguity." Program
in History of Medicine and Science, Yale University (April 17, 2001).
- "The Boy With Labia: Intersexes
and Iatrogenic Transsexualism." Fund for Lesbian and Gay Studies, Yale
University (April 17, 2001).
- "Ethnicity and Transgender
Therapy." Transgender Topics in Therapy: An Advanced Panel. 7th Annual
Lesbian and Gay Psychotherapy Association (LAGPA) Conference, Los
Angeles (June 23, 2001).
- "The Boy With Labia: Intersexes and Iatrogenic
Transsexualism." Southern California Lambda Medical Association, Los
Angeles (April 24, 2001).
- "Bridging
Genders: Latina Trans-Sex-Works." Conference on Women and signs. The
(Trans)Figures of Difference. International Center for Semiotic and
Linguistic Studies of the University of Urbino, Italy (July 12-14,
- "Adolescent Transgenderism." Edelman Westside Mental Health
Center, Children's System of Care. Los Angeles (Aug. 9, 2001).
- "Homosexuals, Transsexuals, and Intersexuals: Questions of
Filiation and Origins." Center for the Study of Sexual Culture. UC
Berkeley (Sept. 20, 2001).
- "History and Current Controversies in the Treatment of
Individuals with Ambiguous Genitalia: The Role of Child Psychiatrists."
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual Meeting,
Honolulu (Oct. 26, 2001).
- "Psychotherapy in a Case of Intersexuality." UCLA
Neuropsychiatric Institute, Division of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, Grand Rounds (Dec. 12, 2001).
- "The Biology of Gender and the Construction of Sex?" "Who Owns
Gender?" Conference. Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality, New
York University (Feb. 7, 2002).
- "Events and Emergences in the Study of Sexual Culture:
Intersexes." Studying Sexual Culture Conference. Center for the Study
of Sexual Culture. UC Berkeley (Mar. 9, 2002).
- "Negotiating Identity in the Corporate World." Anderson School of
Business, UCLA (May 14, 2002).
- "Ethnicity and Transgenderism." Issue Workshop: Transgender Care:
New Perspectives. American Psychiatric Association, Annual Meeting,
Philadelphia, PA (May 20, 2002).
- Plenary speaker. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex
Health Summit, Boulder, CO (August 22, 2002).
- "Intersex and Queer Theory." Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,
Intersex Health Summit, Boulder, CO (August 22, 2002).
- "Intersexes:
The Molecular Deconstruction of Sex." Feminist Research Seminar, Center
for the Study of Women, UCLA (Oct. 15, 2002).
- "Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with an Aphallic Child: Intersex
Gender Identity and Early Sex Reassignment." American Academy of Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry, San Francisco, CA (Oct. 26, 2002).
- "Male Body Image and Coping Strategies with a Different Penis."
Hypospadias and Epispadias Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO
(April 25, 2003).
- "Parenting Skills for the Boy with a Different Body Image."
Hypospadias and Epispadias Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO
(April 25, 2003).
- "Sexuality and Gender Identity in Latino Adolescents." Grand
Rounds, Edelman Westside Mental Health Center, Los Angeles (May 8,
- "Intersex Conditions: Controversies and New Approaches to
Treatment." American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting. San
Francisco, CA (May 21, 2003).
- "The Boy Without a Penis: Ethical Issues in the Treatment of
Intersex Infants." Los Angeles County Bar Bioethics Committee (October
8, 2003).
- "Intersex Conditions." Keck School of Medicine at the University
of Southern California, Los Angeles (November 17, 2003).
- "From Hermaphrodites to SOX9: The molecular deconstruction of
sex." Individual Interdisciplinary Studies Program and the Peter Wall
Institute for Advanced Studies, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver (January 19, 2004).
- "Psychiatry Without Humans," Renovating the Liberal Education
panel, "The Liberal Education: Dead or Alive?" Dartmouth
College, NH (Nov. 5-7, 2004).
- "Regulation," Program in Women’s Studies, University of
California, Irvine (January 27, 2005).
- Career Panel, "Practicing
Theory, Theorizing Practice: Physician Scholars in the Social Sciences
and Humanities" Conference, University of California, San Francisco
(May 14, 2005).
- "Studs, Stems, and Jotos: Latino Teen
Transgenders." American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting,
Atlanta, Georgia (May 23, 2005).
- "Studs,
Stems and Jotos: Adolescent Latino Sexuality." Lesbian and gay
Psychotherapist Association of Los Angeles conference, Los Angeles, CA
(June 18, 2005).
- "From
Hermaphrodites to SOX9: The molecular deconstruction of sex." Royal
Australasian College of Physicians, Sydney, Australia (August 1, 2005).
- "Intersexes and the Future of Gender." Department of Gender
Studies, University of Sydney, Australia (Aug. 4, 2005).
- "Studs, Stems and Jotos: Adolescent Latino Gender and Sexuality
in the 'hood." National Center of HIV Social Research, University of
New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (Aug. 4, 2005).
- "Sex & Heredity at the Fins-de-siècle," Keynote address, "Sexuality in the Fin-de-siècle: The Makings of a
'Central Problem' " Conference, Centre for the History of European
Discourses, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (August 7,
- "From Hermaphrodites to SOX9: The molecular deconstruction of
sex." Department of History, University of Aukland, New Zealand (August
11, 2005).
- "Studs, Stems and Jotos: Latino Teen Transgenders." American
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry annual meeting, Toronto,
Canada (Oct. 22, 2005).
- "From Hermaphrodites to SOX9: The molecular deconstruction of
sex." Larry Kramer Initiative for Gay and Lesbian Studies, Yale
University, New Haven (Nov. 16, 2005).
- "Ethnicity, Sexuality and Transgenderism." Women's, Gender, and
Sexuality Studies, Yale University, New Haven (Nov. 17, 2005).
- "Latino Teen Transgenders." Antioch University, Los Angeles
(February 15, 2006)
- Panel chair: Altérité, ethnicité & masculinités. Histoire
des masculinitiés en France, 1789-1945. Univerity of Paris (September
22, 2006)
- "Gay Latino Teens Negotiating Sexuality, Culture, and Poverty."
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry & Asociacion
Mexicana de Psiquiatria Intantil annual meeting. San Diego, CA (October
27, 2006).
- "Gay Latino Adolescent Sexuality." American Society for
Psychiatry annual meeting, Santa Monica, CA (March 8, 2007).
- "Transgenderism and Sexuality." Women's, Gender, and Sexuality
Studies, Yale University, New Haven (March 29, 2007).
- "Molecular Sex." Scientia Sexualis Colloquium, University of
California, Santa Cruz (May 11, 2007).
- "Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual South Asian Americans." Indian
Psychiatric Association annual meeting. San Diego (May 20, 2007).
- "Psychological Issues in Intersex Conditions." Endocrinology
Clinical Conference, UCLA--Harbor Hospital (Jan. 16, 2008).
- "African-American and Latino Transgender Youth." American
Psychiatric Association annual meeting, Washington, DC (May 8, 2008).
- "Queer Latino Teens Negotiating Sexuality, Culture, and Poverty."
Queer Bodies in Psychotherapy Conference, California Institute of
Integral Studies. San Francisco, CA (Oct. 18, 2008).
- "African-American Transgender Youth." American Academy of Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual Meeting. Chicago
(Oct. 30, 2008).
- “Ethnicity and Trans-gender/ sexuality.” Transgenders: New
Identities and Visibilities. Transgenres: Nouvelles
Identités et Visibilités. University of Paris 3 (May 23, 2009).
- "Transgenderism: Phenomenology and Controversies for
Clinicians." Semel Institute Psychiatry Grand Rounds, UCLA
9, 2010).
- "Situating Transgender within Socio-Cultural and Biological
Contexts of Sex/Gender." Expanding the Circle:
Creating an Inclusive Environment in Higher Education for LGBTQ
Students and Studies. California Institute of Integral Studies, San
Fracnisco (Feb. 27, 2010).
- "The GAP Online Curriculum on LGBT Mental Health." American
Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (May 25, 2010).
- "Inner-City Latino Transgender Youth." American Psychiatric
Association Institute on Psychiatric Services, Boston, MA (Oct. 13,
- "Gender Atypicality and Psychiatry: The Politics of
Diagnosis." Emory University, Studies in Sexuality & Psychoanalytic Studies
Program, Atlanta, GA, (Nov. 9, 2010).
- "Transgender Adolescents." UCLA-Harbor Hospital Child
Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Los Angeles, CA (Dec. 8, 2010).
- "Transgenderism: History, Phenomenolgy, and Controversies."
Keeping Our Work Alive: Innovation & Exploration in Psychoanalysis
& Psychotherapy seminar series, Western Pennsylvania Forum for
Relational and Body-Centered Psychotherapy & C. G. Jung Institute
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA (April 2, 2011).
- "The GAP Online Curriculum on LGBT Mental Health." California
Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, Annual Conference,
San Francisco, CA (May 14, 2010).
- "Psychiatric
Issues in Treating Transgender Patients." Grand Rounds, Kaiser
West Los Angeles- Wateridge, Psychiatry Dept., Los Angeles, CA (June
28, 2011).
- "Transgenderism:
Phenomenology and Controversies for Clinicians." Grand Rounds, Edelman
Westside Mental Health Center, Los Angeles, CA (Aug. 3, 2011).
- "African-American Transgender Youth in Los Angeles." International Academy of Sex Research. Los
Angeles, CA (Aug. 10. 2011).
- "Culture and the Clinical Management of Intersex." American
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Annual Meeting,
Toronto, Canada (Oct. 2011).
- "The History and Politics of Gender Variance." Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, PA (Nov. 8, 2012).
- "Transgenderism: Phenomenology and Controversies for Clinicians." Persad Center. Pittsburgh, PA (Nov. 9, 2012).
- "Transgenderism: Phenomenology and Controversies for Clinicians." Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, PA (Nov. 8, 2012).
- Transgender Case Conference. Western Pennsylvania Forum for
Relational and Body-Centered Psychotherapy & C. G. Jung Institute
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA (Nov. 10, 2012).
- "Sex
in the Clinic: Challenges in DSD/Intersex Classification and
Care." Desiring Categories: Predicaments of Binaries, Boundaries,
and Classification in Sexuality Studies. Sexualities Project at
Northwestern. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL (April 25,
- Violence in Queer Lives: A Dialogue Between the Humanities and
Health Care Professions. Organized by Heike Bauer, with Churnjeet Mahn,
Peter Hegarty, Monalesia Earle, and Katherine Hubbard. University or Surrey, Guildford, UK (Oct. 7, 2014).
- Child and Adolescent Gender Variant Behavior. Kaiser Permanente, Pasadena, CA (May 2, 2015).
- "Child and Adolescent Gender Variant Behavior." Kaiser Permanente, Anaheim, CA (May 16, 2015).
- "Gender Variance and the Treatment of Gender Dysphoria." Joint
meeting of the Southern California Psychiatric Society and the Southern
California Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Los Angeles, CA
(Nov. 4, 2015).
- "Transgenderism:
Child & Adolescent Gender Variant Behavior." Grand Rounds, Semel
Institute UCLA, Los Angeles, CA (Dec. 8, 2015).
- "Transgenderism:
Child & Adolescent Gender Variant Behavior." Grand Rounds,
Dept. of Psychiatry, Harbor-UCLA, Torrance, CA (Feb. 2, 2016).
- "Erotomania
in the Archives." Workshop at "Mad Love," the UCLA
Comparative Literature Graduate Student Conference, Los Angeles,
CA (Feb. 20, 2016).
- "Child and Adolescent Gender Variant Behavior." American
Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Douglas B.
Hansen, MD, Annual Review Course, Long Beach, CA (Mar. 13, 2016).
- "Intersex/DSD in Geriatric Care." American Geriatrics Society Annual Conference. Long Beach, CA (May 19, 2016).
- "Gender Variant Behavior, Transsexualism, & Gender Dysphoria."
Los Angeles County, Department of Mental Health, Psychiatrist Quarterly
Meeting CME Rounds. Los Angeles, CA (Sept. 1, 2016).
- "Child & Adolescent Gender Variant Behavior." Marlborough School. Los Angeles, CA (Oct. 5, 2016).
- "The Cultural Diversity of Gender." Neuroscience, Art, and Psychiatry Conference,
UCLA. Los Angeles, CA (Nov. 4, 2016).
- "Imagining
Difference and Desire in Global Sexual Science, 1880-1950." Panel
chair. History of Science Society, Annual Meeting, Atanta, GA
(Nov. 5, 2016).
- "The Spectrum of Gender and Sexuality: Caring for Diverse
Cultures." Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association Mental
Health Conference. University of California, San Diego. (May 20, 2017).
- “The Historical and Cultural Imbrication of Sex, Gender, and Sexuality.” UCLA Institute
for Society and Genetics and CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique). Epidapo (Epigenetics, Data, Politics)
Conference. Beyond the Binary: Caring with Intersex. Los Angeles, CA (June 8, 2017).
- "Gender Dysphoria." Augustus Hawkins Mental Health Center. Los Angeles, CA (June 28, 2017).
- "Gender
Diversity Among Latino Teens." Latino Mental Health Conference:
Trauma in the Latino Community. Los Angeles, CA. (July 19, 2017).
- "Childhood
Gender Variance." Los Angeles, County Department of Mental Health,
Children's System of Care. Los Angeles, CA (July 21, 2017).
- "Growing
up Little in Liberty City." David Coffee Memorial screening and
discussion (with Curley Bonds & Rupinder Legha) of Barry Jenkin's Moonlight. UCLA Volunteer Clinical Psychiatry Association, David Coffee Memorial (Mar. 25, 2018).
- Sarah McBride interview. Friends of the Semel Institute, Open Minds conference series. UCLA, Los Angeles (Mar. 19, 2019).
- "The Spectrum of Gender and Sexuality." 25th Asian American Mental Health Conference. Alhambra, CA (Oct. 10, 2019).
- "The Gender Spectrum: From Medicalization to Depathologization."
Harbor-UCLA Psychiatry Grand Rounds. Los Angeles (Dec. 10, 2019).